Wanna meet my sewing crush?!?!?!? 😍

Wanna meet my sewing crush?!?!?!? 😍

I am totally fangirling today because on top of being the sweetest most uplifting and supportive person I've ever met Brittnie is also my sewing crush!!! 😍Even before I heard of Ash and Elm I would see her makes all over the place and fall completely in LOVE with them.... So much so that I actually saved some screenshots of her work for inspiration because her knack for making the most PERFECT combinations of fabrics, and designs are just mind-blowingly AWESOME!!! So imagine my delight when I joined the Ash and Elm team that I not only got to actually meet this person that I've admired so much, but I get the chance to know her better and be inspired by her everyday 💕 

On top of all the FABULOUSNESS she is one of the BEAUTIFUL hostesses of the AWESOME FamJam event going on right now!!! If you haven't checked out all the AMAZING prizes, sew alongs, and FUN the Fam Jam is be sure to sign up HERE to get emails about all the ways to enter! 

Then check out the SUPER FUN chat I had with Brittnie yesterday:


xoxo- Melissa 😘


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