T-8 Days Until Halloween and I don't have anything to wear 😱

T-8 Days Until Halloween and I don't have anything to wear 😱

Are you a non-costume person?? Every year I have this grand idea for family Halloween costumes, I start searching pintrest for ideas in June. I spend a few weeks trying to brainstorm something that everyone will love. The more I search the more I think it's impossible and decide to put it off hoping inspiration will hit sometime before Halloween. A few weeks go by and I don't think about it a single time, then suddenly I look at the calendar and Halloween is only 2 WEEKS AWAY 😫 At that point I give up the whole matching family costumes idea and just ask everyone what they want to be. The boys all usually pick some crazy costume that I have NO IDEA how I'd even begin to make, and so I procratinate even more until finally we end up at Target searching through whatever costumes are left the day before Halloween 😭

Well this year I scrapped the family idea sooner and ordered the boys their impossible costumes ahead of time, but I still forgot something.... My husband and I have nothing to wear 😬 As I was scrolling through Facebook I spied some AWESOME Zombie Panels and I was struck by inspiration πŸ’‘ How easy would it be to just grab a panel and instead of trying to come up with costume ideas we can wear some AMAZING shirts that celebrate the season! Of course I'll probably still wait till the last possible moment to get them done, but in the mean time I thought I would share some of the FABULOUS makes I found in hopes that it helps inspire the other last minute makers out there as well 😍


I definitely think I need to grab this one for my hubby 🀣🀣🀣 Everytime I see it I chuckle it's so CUTE and PUNNY just like him 😜

I of course can't pass this AMAZING panel up.... Look at those details in the sunglasses πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸŽƒ

Finally I am needing to get my hands on some of the Skeleton Hearts and make some Joggers for Halloween night, because I mean come on that would be stinkin AMAZING right?!?!?!?


Now comes the hard part.... Narrowing it down 😫 Which ones do you think I should get??

xoxo- Melissa 😘

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