Mom, seamstress, farmer, small business owner.... Is there anything Amber can't do??
Y'all remember how Amber shared her AWESOME ruched Carita hack on the blog the other day? Well in getting to colab with her the past week I got to know her more and all I can say is 🤯.... I mean I always knew she was fabulous, but the more we chatted the more I realized that she is truly AMAZING she is!
Not only does Amber find time to sew SUPER CUTE creations for her little ones, but she has a sewing/alteration business, and a FARM 😲 How on earth does she find time to sew on top of everything else you might be wondering.... Well at least I was so you KNOW I had to sit down and have a #SewChatty chat with her over in the Facebook Group to learn all her secrets 🧐 (this is the best evil villian laugh emoji I could find 🤣).
Before we jumped into the chat though she somehow found a few spare moments in her crazy busy day to give me a little sneak peek into the FABULOUS mind of Amber:
What first got you interested in sewing?
I went to college knowing I wanted to do college theatre. When I didn’t get cast in the first production, I still was required to be involved in another way to keep my scholarship. I was placed on the costume crew and absolutely loved it. So much so, that I got my first machine that year. This eventually also led to a work study job in the costume shop.
What is your favorite thing to sew?
I absolutely love to sew things for my kids! It’s so fun to watch them enjoy something they helped pick out and I made for them.
What is you favorite fasion decade?
I absolutely love the 50s.It has such a classic look, with so many fun and unique details.
What style are you just not that into right now?
I might have the mob after me…but crop tops.
What is a piece of advice you would give to someone just starting their sewing journey?
The thing you’re most scared to do or try, just might turn out to be the best thing you’ve tried. Do it once and you can always decide to never do it again.
Are you currently working on any new projects right now?
I just finished a new line of headbands for my shop.
Didn't I tell y'all she was AWESOME!!!! 😍😍😍 If you'd like to check out more of Ambers work you can find her shop Ber-st Designs on Facebook and Instagram.... She even has a giveaway going on right now so you even have a chance to WIN one of her AMAZING creations 😲
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xoxo- Melissa 😘