Get to know the beautiful face behind Pattern Niche.... Terra Jennings šŸ˜

Get to know the beautiful face behind Pattern Niche.... Terra Jennings šŸ˜

You know how we've partnered up with Pattern Niche this month to share some AMAZING patterns that work FABULOUSLY with Ash & Elm fabrics?
Well as I was browsing through all the AWESOME patterns and adding basically every single one of them to my cart šŸ˜ IĀ got to wondering how does someone come up with ALL these ideas? Who is the person behind all the patterns I'm falling in LOVE with right now?? I decided that I NEEDED to know them and I was pretty sure we could be best friends.... I mean how could she resist my charm right šŸ¤£

So I went on a mission to get to know Terra better and to coax her into hanging out with me today.... I'm happy to say MISSION ACCOMPLISHED šŸ’•Ā Check out these tid bitsĀ I was ableĀ gather up about her:

What first got you interested in sewing?
My mom sewed so I wanted to learn since I was a little girl.

What is your favorite thing to sew?
Quick projects

What's your FAVORITE Ash & ElmĀ fabric or panel?
It's definitely the Harry Potter line. I'm a nerd at heart

What's one sewing tool you couldn't live without?
My magnetic pic holder. When I sew I just throw my pins at it lol.

If a movie were made of your life what would it be?
Probably a documentary because it's boring lol. I've always loved Emma Stone, so she would be awesome! I would call it Mundane Happenings and the whole thing would have a quietly sarcastic air to it.

What is something you would say to someone just getting started on their sewing journey?
Most people won't see the mistakes that you do.

Okay.... does she sound AWESOME or what?!?!?!?! Mundane Happenings with a quietly sarcatic air šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'd DEF make sure I Netflixed that!!Ā 

Well after getting to know her a bit moreĀ my NEED to get her on our LIVE chat was even greater.... and I'm so EXCITED to share that she AGREED!!! šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•
Check out the video of our first time everĀ getting to hang out HERE!

I'm just gonna go fan girl out now and watch this on repeat for the next 324687986 hours šŸ¤£ Make sure to check out all of Terra's FABULOUS patterns at Pattern NicheĀ and don't forget to use the coupon code Niche72836andElm356 to save 20%šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

xoxo- Melissa šŸ˜˜

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